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Year One Squirrel Class Term 1 Blog 2024

Teynham School > Year 1 - Squirrel > Year One Squirrel Class Term 1 Blog 2024

This term Year 1 have enjoyed beginning our topic Wonderful Me, Wonderful World! We have written autobiographical sentences, describing ourselves and our like and dislikes. We have taken lots of photographs, labelling parts of the body and comparing our appearance with other people, describing ways in which we are the same and different, and drawn self-portraits. We have enjoyed reading and retelling the story ‘Weirdo’ by Zadie Smith. Linked to this story we have thought about ways in which we are unique and celebrated our own and others’ individuality. We have begun our geography topic Wonderful World, thinking about different human and geographical features, maps and directions. We have had lots of fun making maps with our construction and small world toys, as well as lots of masking tape! Over the next couple of weeks, we will be learning about the equator and continents, and about the countries that make up the UK.

In Maths we have done lots of practical activities to deepen our understanding of place value to 10. We have ordered numbers, written them in numerals and words, made numbers with different practical equipment, found one more and one less than a number and compared numbers using more/fewer/same and greater than/less than. We have also begun to use the mathematical symbols to compare numbers.


In Art we have been learning about basic colour theory by studying the colour wheel and colour mixing. The children painted their own pictures in the style of Piet Mondrian, using their colour mixing skills to paint in primary and secondary colours. You can see these paintings on display in our classroom!

In Music we have been learning a song called ‘Menu’, and the children have done really well to remember all the different foods eaten on each day of the week in the song, as well as learning about beat and tempo.

Our PE lessons this term have been Fitness and Tag Rugby, both of which have been lots of fun! In Tag Rugby we have learned some of the basic rules of rugby – we have played Stuck in the Mud wearing Tag Belts, practised passing the rugby ball backwards and learned how to score a try in a 1v1 game.

Our RE topic this term has been ‘God – what do Christians believe God is like?’ We have been learning about the parable of the prodigal son and talking about what Christians can learn from it.

In PSHE we have been thinking about ‘being me in my world’ and thinking lots about how we should behave in class.

All the Squirrels have enjoyed cooking in our children’s kitchen with Mrs Murray this term, where they made delicious pizzas.

Well done Squirrels on a super start to Year 1!