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Year 6 Hedgehog Class Blog Term 3

Teynham School > Year 6 - Hedgehog > Year 6 Hedgehog Class Blog Term 3
In topic we have been learning about the polar regions. We have been learning about the geography of the Poles, their natural landscapes and the wildlife that can survive in their unique climates. We have looked as the differences between the Arctic and Antarctic regions of which there are many.
Inspired by our topic we have taken a closer look at the people who courageously explored these regions during the ‘Great period of polar exploration’. This includes Earnest Shackleton and Falcon Scott. We have used the diaries Scott kept during his tragic expedition to the South Pole as inspiration for our own diaries. We have read extracts of Scott’s diaries and will be using all the information we have learnt to create our own non-chronological reports focused on the ‘Terra-Nova’ expedition.
In maths, we have been learning about ratio and algebra. These two units are unique to year 6 and really push us to think outside of the box to solve challenging questions. We have continued to practice SATs style questions and are actively completing past SATs papers under timed conditions.
We have been reading ‘A Monster Calls’ by Patrick Ness and using the text to develop our reading skills. We have also been looking at a variety of non-fiction texts and developing strategies to navigate and understand the text accurately and efficiently.
In PE, we have been enjoying developing our hockey skills. We have practiced our dribbling and passing. We have practiced how to use the space appropriately rather than chase the ball.
In science, we have been looking at electrical circuits. We have been looking at the different components of a circuit and conducting investigation into their usage.
In music, we have been working hard to develop our sense of rhythm. We have taken it in turns to create a human pulse which other members of the class then create rhythms over. We look used pitched instruments to create melodies of our own using a set of notes.
In RE, we have been having fascinating discussions about humanists. We have learnt about some important humanist figures and discussed the values they share.