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Year 6 Hedgehog Class Blog Term 2

Teynham School > Year 6 - Hedgehog > Year 6 Hedgehog Class Blog Term 2

Hedgehog Class Blog


In maths we have been looking at place value. This week, we have been using a number-line to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 100, 10, 000 100,000 and even to the nearest million!


In English we have had a big focus on grammar. We have practised writing sentences using relative clauses, fronted adverbials and prepositions. We have then worked these sentences into our extended creative writing.


We have developed our inference skills through our class discussion and by answering challenging inference questions based on our class text.


In science we have been learning about gravity. This week, we learnt how to use a force meter. Did you know that weight is actually a measure of gravitational force and is measured in Newtons?


In history, we have had a go at being aerologists. We have analyses and discussed various artefacts related to the Shang Dynasty. We asked questions about the artefacts and tried to use them to build our knowledge of this fascinating group of people.


We have had a big focus on spelling. We have practised breaking words up into root words and suffixes.


In RE, we have been looking at the creation story. We discussed whether the creation story is complimentary or in conflict with a scientific explanation as to why we are here and how the world came into being. We had a fascinating debate in class where we shared our own opinions and listened to those of others.