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Year 3 Rabbit Class Term 1 blog

Teynham School > Year 3 - Rabbit > Year 3 Rabbit Class Term 1 blog

Rabbit Class Blog

We have enjoyed reading Stone Age Boy. The story explore how a little boy one day stumbles and falls… into the Stone Age. He watches them make tools, clothes and weapons. He sees how they hunt, fish, cook, celebrate – and even how they paint on the walls of caves. We have written descriptive sentences to describe the caves and the furious bear he encounters. We effectively used similes to compare the bear features to something else to help with imagery. As well as this we have retold part of the story using time conjunctions. We are now great at including adjectives in out writing!

Wow! We have worked extremely hard representing and partitioning numbers up to 1000. We can identify hundreds, tens and ones in a number and represent them using base ten.  We are practicing our times tables and enjoying using Times Table Rockstar to improve our recall.

This term, we are learning about The Stone Age. We are starting to learn about the changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. During the Stone Age, life became more sophisticated as new tools, homes and food producing techniques were invented. We have explored the every day life and settlements through the ages and researched Stone Age tools.


In RE,  our unit is People of God.  We understand the bible is split into two books – The Old testament and the New Testament. We understand The People of God try to live in the way God wants, following his commands and worshipping him. They believe he promises to stay with them and Bible stories show how God keeps his promises. This week we have read The story of Noah. We enjoyed making and creating a puppet show to retell the story. We were able to clearly re tell the story and listen to other’s performances.

In Science, we have been learning about Animal Nutrition and the Skeletal System . We have already learnt the importance of nutrition for humans and other animals.  Also the children are aware of role of a skeleton and muscles and identify animals with different types of skeleton.

Home learning.
It has been wonderful to see children bring in their amazing sock puppets last week. I am blown away with your creativity! Keep up the great home learning. You are awesome rabbit class.