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Year 2 Bumble Bee Class Term 5 Blog

Teynham School > Year 2 - Bumble Bee > Year 2 Bumble Bee Class Term 5 Blog

Bumble Bee Class Term 5 Blog

This term our English and topic theme has been ‘school days’, with a particular focus on how Teynham school has changed over time.  We have written list poems (using verbs and adverbials), focused on using correct grammatical forms and punctuation (exclamation and question marks, apostrophes for possession and contraction), and we will be writing narratives and diary entries later on in the term.  The children have been enjoying Jill Murphy’s The Worst Witch, which we have explored during our reading comprehension lessons.

In maths we have covered measurement, and we are now focussing on fractions (with regular practice of our 2, 5 and 10 times tables!).  Log-on details for Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) were sent out last term, and I would recommend that the children spend a few minutes every day practising their times tables via the TTRS website.  Regular activities continue to be set on MyMaths, which directly complement the work covered in class.

Plants are the focus of science this term, including naming plant parts, exploring how plants grow from seeds and bulbs, and learning about the structure of leaves.

Our RE focus this term is Islam, exploring which places and objects are important to Muslims, and what it means to be a Muslim.  In PSHE we are focussing on ‘relationships’, including learning how to resolve conflicts with friends, recognising who can help us, and learning how we can express appreciation for people in our special relationships.  In computing we are exploring how to make music using computers, and the children continue with their Team Theme PE sessions on Wednesday afternoons, as well as undertaking gymnastics on Monday mornings.  In addition to learning all about the work of Shostakovich, in music this term we will be composing our own film music.

Thank you for your continued support, especially reading on a daily basis with your child/children.  We look forward to welcoming many of you to our wonder learning walk at the end of term, when the children can showcase everything they have learnt!