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Year 1 Squirrel Class Blog Term 5

Teynham School > Year 1 - Squirrel > Year 1 Squirrel Class Blog Term 5

This term Squirrel Class have begun their topic on ‘School Days’. This has been a really exciting topic as we have been able to watch our new school being built as we talk about our current school. We began by walking around the school and looking at all the different rooms and areas, and what we do in them. We then wrote poems about our school. We also wanted to find out more about the people in our school and what they do every day. We wrote questions for some of the staff around the school and then interviewed them. We found out lots about them, and painted portraits of them too!

In Maths we started the term looking at measures; length, height and  volume. We did lots of measuring in all different ways, using soil, rice and water. Now we have moved on to multiplication and division skills. We have been looking at dividing numbers into equal groups, and adding equal groups together. We have looked at arrays and written sentences to go with them, e.g.

This array could be grouped as 4 groups of 3 or be grouped differently as 3 groups of 4

We have had some really exciting DT lessons this term in our unit is ‘Chop, Slice and Mash’. We have designed and made fruit skewers and sandwiches. YUM!


In PE this term we have been looking at gymnastic skills – lots of rolls and balances, and with Team Theme we have been doing Athletics and developing our agility, speed and power.

Our topic in RE is Judaism: Who is Jewish and what do they do. We have been really enjoying finding out about what things are important to Jews, what a mezuzah is and all about Shabbat.  PSHE this term has been thinking about ‘Relationships’. We have thought about making friends, families, greetings and people who help us.

In Music we have looked at a composition called ‘Nautilus’, where we explored the song through movement and active listening, and engaged our imagination by drawing along to the music. We have also played singing games and thought about how music can create a mood.