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Year 1 Rabbit Class Blog

Teynham School > Latest News > Year 1 Rabbit Class Blog

This term Year 1 have enjoyed beginning our topic on Childhood, thinking about how we have changed since we were babies and about important events in our life. We have been learning about ‘autobiographies’, and have written sentences about ourselves and our lives using the past tense. We have started to think about how life would have been different for our grandparents, writing questions to ask them to find out more about what they played with, what school was like for them, and how their homes were different from ours today. We will be continuing this after half term where we will look more at life in the 1950s, comparing it to life today.

In maths we have done lots of practical activities to deepen our understanding of place value to 10. We have ordered numbers, written them in numerals and words, made numbers with different practical equipment, found one more and one less than a number and compared numbers using more/fewer/same and greater than/less than. We have  also begun to use the mathematical symbols to compare numbers.

In science we have been looking at different materials and their properties, and sorted objects depending on whether they are natural or made by humans.

In music we have been learning a song called ‘Menu’, and the children have done really well to remember all the different foods eaten on each day of the week in the song, as well as learning about beat and tempo.

The children applied their work in art, where they have been learning about colour mixing, to paint some fantastic pictures of fruit, inspired by Handa’s Surprise, for our Harvest Festival. You can also see some of our art work on the class windows.

In RE we have been learning about parables – particularly the parable of the lost son, and why this is important to Christians and what Jesus may have been trying to teach.

In PSHE we have been covering the topic of ‘being me in my world’. We also had a show come in to visit which talked all about wellbeing