This term our English and geography focus has been ‘coastlines’, exploring the human and physical geography of land near the sea. We have learnt about...Read More
Topic/English In topic we have been learning about the polar regions. We have been learning about the geography of the Poles, their natural landscapes and...Read More
This term we have been learning all about ‘Marvellous Machines’ and that they need power and electricity to work! Albert – ‘We made popcorn in...Read More
Writing Year 6 have been using the text ‘A Monster Calls’ by Patrick Ness as inspiration for their own creative writing. We have been paying...Read More
This term our English and history focus has continued to be ‘movers and shakers’, exploring significant individuals and their impact. We have compared Christopher Columbus’s...Read More
Dragonfly Blog Term 1 This term we have been learning about the invasion of the Anglo-Saxons. We haver learnt what they did for Britain and...Read More
This term Year 1 have enjoyed beginning our topic Wonderful Me, Wonderful World! We have written autobiographical sentences, describing ourselves and our like and dislikes....Read More
This term we have been super busy learning our phonics. Louie A, Oliver and Reina remembered the phonemes n,m,t,a,g,s and practiced writing them too. Our...Read More
Fox Class Blog – Term 1 This term we are learning about Ancient China, we have learnt that there were multiple dynasties which are different...Read More
Maths In maths children have been deepening their understating of place value. Children have learnt how to read numbers up to 10,000,000. Children have learned...Read More
This term we have had so much fun learning about contrasting environments; Africa and Antartica in our topic ‘Big Wide World’. We performed our first,...Read More
Fox Class blog Exciting news! We have harvested some of the vegetables. Some the vegetables we have harvested are potatoes, peas and beans. This term...Read More
This term our English and topic theme, ‘school days,’ has continued, with a particular focus on Victorian schools. We have written diary entries from the...Read More
Rabbit Class Blog English We have enjoyed using information texts and research to find out about the Romans. In particular we have focused on Julius...Read More
We have had yet another busy term in Butterfly class. The children have been looking for signs of Spring, creating their own artwork and painting...Read More
Squirrel class begun this term with STEAM week (science, technology, engineering, art and maths) We had a fabulous week learning all about bridges. We did...Read More
Hedgehog class blog Maths In Maths the children have had a busy term studying decimals and percentages. After a tricky start, the children have made...Read More
Rabbit Class Blog English We have enjoyed using information texts to find out about volcanoes and earthquakes. We have a great understanding of how to...Read More
Maths In maths children are learning Algebra. Algebra is a field of maths which involve letters being used to represent numbers. Children will learn how...Read More
English We have enjoyed reading Escape From Pompeii. The story explores two characters as Mount Vesuvius unexpectedly erupts! We effectively used expanded noun phrases and...Read More
This term Year 1 have enjoyed beginning our topic on Childhood, thinking about how we have changed since we were babies and about important events...Read More
Fox Class Blog – Term 1 This term we are learning about Ancient China, we have learnt that there were multiple dynasties which are different...Read More
This term we have enjoyed learning about our topic, childhood. We have explored childhood artefacts from the past, guessing what they might have been used...Read More
Butterfly Class is having so much fun learning about our new topic this term of ‘Animal Safari’! We have discussed habitats and are now starting...Read More
Rabbit Class Blog This term, we have been learning about mountains. We have learnt lots of new words including: snow line, summit, face, peak, ridge...Read More
This week, Butterfly Class have been learning all about seeds and how to help healthy plants grow – giving them lots of water, sunlight and...Read More
This week Year 6 have planned, drafted, edited and published their own adventure stories. They have then shared their stories with lots of classes and...Read More
This term our topic is ‘Coastline’. In Science we have been learning all about floating and sinking. We had to make predictions before we tested...Read More
Maths In maths this term we have been learning about column subtraction and addition using 1000’s. we have started to look at inverse methods to...Read More
This week Squirrel class has been busy learning their lines and practicing for their Nativity. In RE we have been retelling the ‘Good News story’...Read More
On Friday 18th November the local MP Gordon Henderson came to visit our class to announce the new winner of the Litter Angels competition. A...Read More
This week, Butterfly Class has started their new topic of Marvelous Machines! We have used keyboards to recognize our phonics sounds, scanned QR codes as...Read More
Butterfly Class have had a wonderful last week of term! In Mathematics, we have focused on repeating colour patterns and all the children have loved...Read More
Investigating a sheep’s heart (as we are looking at the circulatory system), examining the veins and arteries inside the heart. It felt slimy and squishy....Read More
This week, Butterfly class have been thinking about our topic of ‘Let’s Explore!’ that focuses on our local area. To help us remember the layout...Read More