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Keep safe

Squirrel blog

In squirrel class this week the children worked in tables and have written their own blogs.
Some of the things that Year 1 have enjoyed this week have been;
Topic – in topic this week we were learning about how germs are spread.  We had to dip our hands in watery glitter! and then we shook our friends’ hands and touched things around the classroom.  At the end we could see how the glitter spread all around the classroom and learned that that is how germs spread too. “it was amazing! the whole class was glittery!”
PE – “we played roller goal!” “it was amazing” “I was really confident”
Music – “music was fun, we danced with an elephant trunk”
PPA – we made rockets from the den making kits! “It was so fun!”
Some of squirrel class went cooking during PPA, and they made some cheesy corn bread, Florence said “it was so yummy!”