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Curriculum Intent
Our curriculum has been designed to ensure that every child can, ‘Learn, Enjoy and Grow’ by offering spiritual and awe-inspiring learning experiences with Christian values at its heart.
Our holistic approach to learning is bespoke to the needs of all pupils. Our curriculum is not just about appropriate subject specific knowledge but also about using skills and understanding, to use across curriculum and become compassionate citizens.
We want to develop individual and collaborative learning experiences, a positive growth mind set, a sense of responsibility and challenges that take them beyond the classroom.
We believe our curriculum and its implementation develop children who are enquiring, resilient, independent and have high aspirations.
The connected curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum 2014 and other experiences and opportunities, which best meet the learning and developmental needs of the children in our school. Our curriculum is topic based, fostering each child’s curiosity and interest and enabling the achievement of depth in knowledge and skills. Our curriculum provides children with memorable experiences, in addition to diverse and rich opportunities from which children can learn and develop a range of transferable skills.
Those who are most able are challenged and supported through being offered tasks which provide opportunities for greater depth and those who struggle are encouraged and given targeted support to embed skills, to develop at their own pace or simply to learn in a style that best suits their individual needs. Our highly inclusive classrooms are autistic friendly. Our staff are experienced and trained in a variety of well-being strategies. We follow the Jigsaw programme that is a mindful approach to PSHE. We have a well-being champion, several emotional first aiders and a trained counsellor. Designated spaces, such as the sensory room and well-being garden, provide areas that children utilise for their emotional happiness.
Engaging with the outdoor environment is one unique strength for the school. The school has an established Forest school that was recognised as a provider at Introductory Level by the Forest School Association. A planned programme means that all children from years 1 to 6 get an opportunity to go to Forest School, once a week for six weeks each year. Children learn about their natural environment including fire skills. They collaborate with others working towards a common goal such as creating dens. They self-manage their time allowing them to explore their own interests. Managing their own risks and putting themselves outside their own comfort zone develops their confidence and capabilities.
Our curriculum is designed to enrich children’s experiences and inspire them for the future. We bring experiences into school through our six Challenge days, one each term. Examples of our Challenge days have included puzzles day, a visit from a scientist, a magic day, an author and remembrance.
We have wide range of external visitors come to the school. Including, the Fire brigade, the dog’s trust, Family trust and God’s Army. We take the children into the local area as well as supporting community groups, such as Age Concern.
Our investment in virtual reality headsets, gives the children experiences to go beyond the classroom. Children have experienced visiting such places as China, Egypt and Antarctica, inspiring their creativity which is shown within their work.
As part of our curriculum all children participate in cookery – using our children’s kitchen. Transferable skills from across the curriculum give the children the chance to utilise them within a different context. Giving them the chance to understand how they are used within real life.
As part of being a healthy school, engagement in physical activity is paramount to children’s health and well-being. A variety of sports coaches are employed by the school to offer a broad range of sport, such as yoga and street dance. A dedicated sports week once a year incorporates opportunities for taster sessions in a range of sports, as well as a competitive element – sports day. Physical activity is part of everyday life for our children. All participate on the daily mile and playtime equipment is utilised effectively, demonstrating team work between all ages within the school.
Subject leaders play an important part in the success of curriculum areas by leading a regular programme of monitoring evaluation and review. Our curriculum is under constant review in response to development in education, our local context and our intent for the children.