Keep safe
We aim to meet the needs of all children in the school by providing a broad and balanced curriculum, delivered through quality first teaching and by making reasonable adjustments where necessary. As a staffing body, we want all children to experience success and build upon their strengths and develop resilience and compassion.
Curriculum Maestro is our online platform which has an ambitious Primary Curriculum following National Curriculum objectives. The creative topic-based curriculum provides sequence and interconnection, while including the knowledge and skills needed. It comprises of, Science, Art and Design, Design Technology, as well as Maths and English. We also use the big ideas to make connections of previous learning and aid deeper thinking.
In addition to this, we cover Computing, Music and French is our Modern Foreign Language. We promote positive emotional health and help children develop social and emotional skills through PSHE. The Kent Diocese curriculum is used for RE.
Click here to view the school’s curriculum 2024
Big Ideas
To underpin our curriculum, we use a set of 10 big ideas. These provide a purpose for the skills and knowledge chosen for each area of the curriculum. Children can then link the big ideas to previous learning with meaning. The big ideas form a series of inter connecting threads, allowing children to encounter and revisit their learning. Over time, this may help children to build conceptual frameworks and aid deeper thinking, with a more sophisticated understanding of information and ideas.
The children are introduced to the big ideas in Year R. They will continue to encounter them in all areas of learning as they continue on the educational journey through our school.
Click here to read further information on the big ideas