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Fox Class Year 5 Term 5 Blog

Teynham School > Year 5 - Fox > Fox Class Year 5 Term 5 Blog

Fox Class blog

The seeds from last term are still going strong and are continuing to grow, hopefully soon we will be able to start harvesting them!

This term we have been reading the book called ‘Who Let the Gods Out’ which is a story about a boy who wished upon a star, he didn’t expect a constellation to come crashing down to earth, together they help each other get back where they need to be.

In maths we have just finished working on angles and the class have done really well this week we are moving on to position and direction. We will be learning how to plot coordinates.

We have just finished writing our balanced arguments on whether Pandora should open the box or not. What do you think? We will be moving on to writing a type of poem called odes next and also look at writing a playscript.

In science we are continuing to have lots of fun doing different experiments, all to do will different properties. This week we were looking at how to filter water. There are lots more experiment to come including sieving and evaporating.

I am enjoying seeing all the home learning that is being created and I can’t wait to see more of it so keep up the great work and this will help with understanding our topic Ground breaking Greeks!