Keep safe
Dragonfly Class visit Teynham Library
On Thursday 6th March 2025, half of the Dragonfly Class visited our local library. The children spent an afternoon reading books and listening to a story.
Forest School groups took part in the Big Schools’ Birdwatch 2025
Detling Showground Living Land trip.
On Thursday 2nd May Years 3 and 4 visited the Living Land trip. They were able to taste and touch a range of foods grown on local farms, pet animals , use farm equipment and learn about keeping our world safe and happy, watch a machinery show and s sheep show! All the children were amazingly behaved and asking interesting questions to find out more about the world they live in.
While Year 3 were outside for their numeracy work making the most of the lovely sunshine, where they were exploring estimating. They were counting steps around the daily mile and comparing children’s steps, as well as making symmetrical pictures using natural objects.