Topic/English In topic we have been learning about the polar regions. We have been learning about the geography of the Poles, their natural landscapes and the wildlife that can survive in their unique climates. We have looked as the differences between the Arctic and Antarctic regions of which there are many. Inspired by our topic...Read More
Writing Year 6 have been using the text ‘A Monster Calls’ by Patrick Ness as inspiration for their own creative writing. We have been paying a close attention to our vocabulary and using precise words to capture exactly what is it we want to describe. In addition to this, we have been looking at new...Read More
Maths In maths children have been deepening their understating of place value. Children have learnt how to read numbers up to 10,000,000. Children have learned how to order, compare and round these numbers. We have recently started our new topic looking at the four operation: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. In this topic children will...Read More
Year 6 English In year 6, we have been using the book ‘Gorilla’ by Michael Browne to practice writing high quality sentences. We have been focusing on different forms of grammar in preparation for our SPAG SATs paper. Maths In maths, we have been looking at angles in triangles and quadrilaterals. In addition to this...Read More
Hedgehog class blog Maths In Maths the children have had a busy term studying decimals and percentages. After a tricky start, the children have made excellent progress with percentages. The class have continued to practice SATs style questions as we prepare for our year 6 assessments. English We have continued to develop our grammar skills...Read More
Maths In maths children are learning Algebra. Algebra is a field of maths which involve letters being used to represent numbers. Children will learn how to simplify algebraic equations and how algebraic formula works. English In English the children are working hard writing non-chronological reports related to their Geography topic. Children are writing reports on...Read More
Hedgehog Class Blog Maths In maths we have been looking at place value. This week, we have been using a number-line to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 100, 10, 000 100,000 and even to the nearest million! English In English we have had a big focus on grammar. We have practised writing sentences...Read More
Videos from the Year 6 residential Click here to watch a short video of the raft activity. Click here to watch a second short video of the raft activity. Click here to watch a short video of high ropes activity. Click here to watch a second short video of high ropes. Thursday 20th June 2024...Read More
This week Year 6 have planned, drafted, edited and published their own adventure stories. They have then shared their stories with lots of classes and staff around school.Read More
This week we participated in an African drumming workshop with a man who was born in Ghana – he has been drumming since he was 7 years old. It was really fun but very noisy. We performed in front of the whole school and all of the teachers were asked to dance which was really...Read More