Fox Class Blog – Term 1 This term we are learning about Ancient China, we have learnt that there were multiple dynasties which are different times through the Chinese civilization history. It was the first civilisation to be named and it is also believed that they invented the compass. In science we are learning about...Read More
Rabbit Class Blog English We have enjoyed reading Stone Age Boy. The story explore how a little boy one day stumbles and falls… into the Stone Age. He watches them make tools, clothes and weapons. He sees how they hunt, fish, cook, celebrate – and even how they paint on the walls of caves. We...Read More
Maths In maths children have been deepening their understating of place value. Children have learnt how to read numbers up to 10,000,000. Children have learned how to order, compare and round these numbers. We have recently started our new topic looking at the four operation: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. In this topic children will...Read More
This term we have had so much fun learning about contrasting environments; Africa and Antartica in our topic ‘Big Wide World’. We performed our first, class assembly of Handa’s Suprise. In Math’s, Thea has enjoyed learning how to share…. ‘one for you and one for me’ and Dottie has loved doubling numbers to 10. Bluebell...Read More
Fox Class blog Exciting news! We have harvested some of the vegetables. Some the vegetables we have harvested are potatoes, peas and beans. This term we have continued reading the book called ‘Who Let the Gods Out’ which is a story about a boy who wished upon a star, he didn’t expect a constellation to...Read More
This term our English and topic theme, ‘school days,’ has continued, with a particular focus on Victorian schools. We have written diary entries from the perspective of a Victorian child, have composed persuasive letters to a significant historical figure, used non-fiction texts to research the Victorian age, and really enjoyed role-playing being in a Victorian...Read More
Fox Class blog The seeds from last term are still going strong and are continuing to grow, hopefully soon we will be able to start harvesting them! This term we have been reading the book called ‘Who Let the Gods Out’ which is a story about a boy who wished upon a star, he didn’t...Read More
This term Squirrel Class have begun their topic on ‘School Days’. This has been a really exciting topic as we have been able to watch our new school being built as we talk about our current school. We began by walking around the school and looking at all the different rooms and areas, and what...Read More
Bumble Bee Class Term 5 Blog This term our English and topic theme has been ‘school days’, with a particular focus on how Teynham school has changed over time. We have written list poems (using verbs and adverbials), focused on using correct grammatical forms and punctuation (exclamation and question marks, apostrophes for possession and contraction),...Read More
Rabbit Class Blog English We have enjoyed using information texts and research to find out about the Romans. In particular we have focused on Julius Caesar. With our new knowledge we have written biographies about him. We wrote in the past tense, included heading and wrote in paragraphs including all facts about him. Once they...Read More