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Carolyn Brewer


Fox Class blog The seeds from last term are still going strong and are continuing to grow, hopefully soon we will be able to start harvesting them! This term we have been reading the book called ‘Who Let the Gods Out’ which is a story about a boy who wished upon a star, he didn’t...
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This term Squirrel Class have begun their topic on ‘School Days’. This has been a really exciting topic as we have been able to watch our new school being built as we talk about our current school. We began by walking around the school and looking at all the different rooms and areas, and what...
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Bumble Bee Class Term 5 Blog This term our English and topic theme has been ‘school days’, with a particular focus on how Teynham school has changed over time.  We have written list poems (using verbs and adverbials), focused on using correct grammatical forms and punctuation (exclamation and question marks, apostrophes for possession and contraction),...
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Rabbit Class Blog English We have enjoyed using information texts and research to find out about the Romans. In particular we have focused on Julius Caesar. With our new knowledge we have written biographies about him. We wrote in the past tense, included heading and wrote in paragraphs including all facts about him. Once they...
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Year 6 English In year 6, we have been using the book ‘Gorilla’ by Michael Browne to practice writing high quality sentences. We have been focusing on different forms of grammar in preparation for our SPAG SATs paper. Maths In maths, we have been looking at angles in triangles and quadrilaterals. In addition to this...
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We have had yet another busy term in Butterfly class. The children have been looking for signs of Spring, creating their own artwork and painting using water colours. Our topic of Dangerous Dinosaurs has seen the children making fossils and learning facts about their favourite dinosaurs. We have taken part in a Circus workshop, learning...
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Squirrel class begun this term with STEAM week (science, technology, engineering, art and maths) We had a fabulous week learning all about bridges. We did investigations to work out the best materials for building our bridges and exploring what bridges look like and what we can use them for. We also found out which shapes...
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Hedgehog class blog Maths In Maths the children have had a busy term studying decimals and percentages. After a tricky start, the children have made excellent progress with percentages. The class have continued to practice SATs style questions as we prepare for our year 6 assessments. English We have continued to develop our grammar skills...
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Fox Class Blog Thank you for everyone that came to our class assembly, we really hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! The seeds we have planted have started to sprout and we look forward to watching them grow so we can harvest them soon. As we come to the end of our...
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This term our English theme has continued to be ‘bright lights, big city’, with a particular focus on London.  Prior to our visit to London Zoo we researched the Zoo and its animals, producing some very informative visitor information leaflets.  We have also researched the Great Fire of London, including writing a set of instructions...
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