This term our English and geography focus has been ‘coastlines’, exploring the human and physical geography of land near the sea. We have learnt about coastal caves, arches and sea stacks, have revised how to read a map with a key and compass points, and learnt about the seas that surround the UK. We have...Read More
Squirrel Class have made a fantastic start to 2025! This term we have started our topic of ‘Bright Lights Big City’ and in geography we have been looking at what makes a city and how it is different from a town and a village. We have carried out fieldwork in our school grounds, looking at...Read More
Topic/English In topic we have been learning about the polar regions. We have been learning about the geography of the Poles, their natural landscapes and the wildlife that can survive in their unique climates. We have looked as the differences between the Arctic and Antarctic regions of which there are many. Inspired by our topic...Read More
This term we have been learning all about ‘Marvellous Machines’ and that they need power and electricity to work! Albert – ‘We made popcorn in the microwave’ Noah – ‘We made a smoothie in a blender’ Zuriel – ‘We used a toaster to make toast’ We made robots with junk modelling and we made Jackson...Read More
Our topic this term has been Toys Now and Then. In English we have been reading the book ‘Lost in the Toy Museum’. We have written descriptions of the different characters and ‘Lost’ posters help find the missing toys. We went on a hunt around our outdoor area for Lost Posters to see which toys...Read More
Writing Year 6 have been using the text ‘A Monster Calls’ by Patrick Ness as inspiration for their own creative writing. We have been paying a close attention to our vocabulary and using precise words to capture exactly what is it we want to describe. In addition to this, we have been looking at new...Read More
This term our English and history focus has continued to be ‘movers and shakers’, exploring significant individuals and their impact. We have compared Christopher Columbus’s exploration of the Americas with Neil Armstrong’s space exploration, and we are currently designing a poster in support of Emmeline Pankhurst’s suffragette movement. In class we enjoyed reading Shirley Hughes’s...Read More
Dragonfly Blog Term 1 This term we have been learning about the invasion of the Anglo-Saxons. We haver learnt what they did for Britain and what we still use today. This includes certain place names like Teynham. As this ends in “ham”, we know that in Anglo-Saxon times, this meant farm or village. We also...Read More
This term Year 1 have enjoyed beginning our topic Wonderful Me, Wonderful World! We have written autobiographical sentences, describing ourselves and our like and dislikes. We have taken lots of photographs, labelling parts of the body and comparing our appearance with other people, describing ways in which we are the same and different, and drawn...Read More
This term we have been super busy learning our phonics. Louie A, Oliver and Reina remembered the phonemes n,m,t,a,g,s and practiced writing them too. Our topic of ‘Let’s Explore’ has seen us exploring the outside areas looking for minibeasts. We have explored sounds we could hear from the building site and this week we have...Read More