Squirrel Class have made a fantastic start to 2025! This term we have started our topic of ‘Bright Lights Big City’ and in geography we have been looking at what makes a city and how it is different from a town and a village. We have carried out fieldwork in our school grounds, looking at different human geographical features such as the school, fire station, houses and village hall.
In English we have enjoyed reading Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett. In this book, Sunny the Meerkat goes on his travels, sending a postcard home from each place he visits. We wrote back to Sunny, telling him about life at Teynham Primary School! We also thought about how Sunny felt at different points during his travels, and sequenced the main events before and rewriting the story ourselves.
We have applied our knowledge of positional direction to programming the Beebots in ICT, working with a partner to give them instructions and making them travel from different starting positions. We have programmed Beebot to travel across a map, making predictions about its finishing position after reading directions.
In DT our project is Taxi! This project teaches children about wheels, axles and chassis and how they work together to make a vehicle move. We have investigated different toys with wheels, looking at how they work. We will design and make our own taxis, using junk modelling, wheels and pegs.
In PE we have enjoyed our Multi Skills lessons with Coach Charlie from Team Theme where we have played lots of games, improved our sprinting technique and developing our agility and balance.
Our topic in PSHE is goals and dreams. We have been thinking about setting ourselves goals, and then working out the small steps we would need to take to achieve them. We have also thought about working with friends, and how we can work together to achieve our goals.
In RE this term our theme is Gospel. We have been learning that gospel means ‘good news’. We have been looking at some stories from the bible, and some of Jesus’ teachings and thinking about why they would be good news to Christians and how we can learn from them.