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Rabbit Class Year 3 Blog term 5

Teynham School > Year 3 - Rabbit > Rabbit Class Year 3 Blog term 5

Rabbit Class Blog


We have enjoyed using information texts and research to find out about the Romans. In particular we have focused on Julius Caesar. With our new knowledge we have written biographies about him. We wrote in the past tense, included heading and wrote in paragraphs including all facts about him. Once they were written , we looked at how we could edit and improve our work.


WOW ! Rabbit class are brilliant at fractions again!

The class has blown staff away with their knowledge for the second time. Children understand how to find one whole, how to add and subtract fractions and find fractions of a set of a unit and non-unit fraction. Well done super star mathematician.

As well as this children have been improving their understanding of measure. Children understand how many grams are in a kilograms. How many millilitres are in a litre. The children could compare and order measures well.

We are practicing our times tables and enjoying using Times Table Rockstar to improve our recall.


This term, we are learning about The Romans.  We have learnt about everyday Roman life, The founding of The Romans , who ruled Rome and the Growth and expansion of the Roman Empire.

We have really enjoyed having time researching and reading about The Romans too.


In Science, we have been learning about Plant nutrients and reproduction. The children could describe the parts of flowering plants and relate structure to function. They identified the roots and stem for transporting water, leaves for making food and the flower for reproduction.

We enjoyed completing a science experiment investigating how water travels up the stem of a flowering plant.

Detling Showground Living Land trip.


We have a great time with Year 4 visiting the Living Land trip. We were able to taste and touch a range of foods grown on local farms, pet animals , use farm equipment and learn about keeping our world safe and happy, watch a machinery show and s sheep show! All the children were amazingly behaved and asking interesting questions to find out more about the world they live in. It was an absolute pleasure spending the day with them.