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Year 3 Rabbit Class Blog Term 4

Teynham School > Year 3 - Rabbit > Year 3 Rabbit Class Blog Term 4

Rabbit Class Blog

We have enjoyed using information texts to find out about volcanoes and earthquakes. We have a great understanding of how to write non chronological reports and newspapers reports.

The children were able to gather information on the earthquake in Italy using a range of resources to support them with writing a detailed newspaper report. They learnt how to use inverted commas correctly. When writing quotes in their report they used inverted commas to punctuate direct speech.

WOW ! Rabbit class are brilliant at fractions!

The class has blown staff away with their knowledge. Children understand that a fraction can be seen as part of a whole and that to find a unit fraction, they divide the whole into equal parts. They then identify the role of the denominator, appreciating that this shows how many equal parts the whole has been divided into. Children have identified, shaded and more recently found equivalent fractions. Well done Rabbit class – we are super proud of you!

We are practicing our times tables and enjoying using Times Table Rockstar to improve our recall.

This term, we are learning about Earthquakes and volcanoes.  This project teaches children about the features and characteristics of Earth’s layers, including a detailed exploration of volcanic, tectonic and seismic activity. We have explored how tectonic plates move and the after marth they cause.

In RE, we are learning about understanding Christianity: salvation.  We thought ‘ Why do Christians call the day Jesus died Good Friday? ‘

The children have a deep understanding of The Holy week leading up to Easter Sunday. They can order Creation and Fall, Incarnation, Gospel and Salvation within a timeline of the Bible’s ‘big story’.

When exploring how Mary, the mother of Jesus felt during the Holy Week ,  we discussed what might the texts we have studied mean to some Christians? The children were empathetic and discuss thoughts and feelings well.

In Science, we have been learning about forces and magnets. This project teaches children about contact and non-contact forces, including friction and magnetism. They investigate frictional and magnetic forces, and identify parts of a magnet and magnetic materials. We have great fun exploring and being practical with our learning.